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Requisitions Go Mobile

Janet Martin April 27, 2017

Requisitions Go Mobile
It is no longer sufficient for software to offer a stated list of features and prescribed functionality; software has to be intuitive, engaging and powerful. These attributes are even more important on mobile devices, where the screen is smaller, navigation potentially more challenging, and the user is presumably on the move. We’ve all used a mobile app where it was clear that the publisher was more concerned with being able to boast that they’d launched a mobile app, than with making the app truly functional and user-friendly.

The industry research powerhouse Forrester Research often cites the importance of building mobile experiences that drive customer engagement1, not simply helping someone complete a task. It’s precisely that customer experience that we kept in mind during the design and development of PairSoft Mobile, our latest Requisition and Procurement solution offering. So, as requisitions go mobile, we examine what that means and why it matters.

Deeper functionality

PairSoft Mobile provides full mobile requisition entry, including both free-form and catalog-based requisitioning. Users can browse and shop their Catalogs, save items to a shopping cart to process, or submit as a requisition directly from the mobile app. Busy managers and executives can approve or disapprove pending requisitions with a single touch. And employees can view the status of open mobile requisitions from their mobile devices, anywhere, anytime.

Keeping your data safe

Data security is a primary concern, and mobile apps that seek to access data on your live servers present a potential new threat. To eliminate that threat, we developed a unique technology that allows all mobile users to operate outside your company’s firewall. Instead, we route requests to an On-The-Go server, and not your company’s live server. Utilizing this innovative technology, we allow mobile users to operate outside the firewall but have the experience that they are connected to corporate by having real-time data updates and synchronization.

Continue even when offline

No internet? No problem. PairSoft has pioneered and perfected innovative sync technology that allows your mobile users to enter all their transactions offline and have the system automatically sync when they reconnect. This allows your employees to be productive regardless of their connectivity – a big step forward in mobile functionality.

Multi-platform support

PairSoft Mobile Procurement, Expense, and Project-Time apps run on all mobile platforms, from Apple iOS, various versions of Android phones and tablets, and even support for the oft-neglected Blackberry user.

Part of the big picture

PairSoft shares Forrester Research views2 that mobile experiences are part of a larger strategy to deliver customer-focused solutions. Mobile apps like PairSoft Mobile are at their best when they interface with back-office applications to deliver fully-functional, powerful and convenient solutions to the challenges modern businesses face. We’ve been doing this for a long time. PairSoft pioneered the first web-based spend management app back in 2002, and have been innovating ever since.

To learn more about PairSoft Mobile, or see it in action, click here.


  1. Forrester Research, Inc. Build Mobile Experiences That Drive Engagement, Executive Overview: The Mobile App Development Playbook, Jeffrey S. Hammond and Michael Facemire
  2. Forrester Research, Inc. The Future Of Mobile Experience Development, Vision: The Mobile App Development Playbook, by Jeffrey S. Hammond, Michael Facemire, and Julie A. Ask

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Janet Martin

Janet joined the PairSoft team upon its merger with Paramount Workplace, where she was also an integral part of the sales team for years. Janet resides in Michigan with her family.

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