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Improving Collaboration Between On-Site and Off-Site Workers With Paperless Solutions

Holly Condon May 5, 2021

Improving Collaboration Between On-Site and Off-Site Workers With Paperless Solutions
Document Management
Cloud computing has, without question, made it easier to work from any location. However, remote collaboration still comes with a unique set of challenges. For example, some staff may find it difficult to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients online, while others may not know how to use tech for remote collaboration properly.

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges in a remote work setup is ensuring fruitful collaboration for distributed teams. Fortunately, plenty of apps and services can address this concern. Here are some paperless solutions to help you improve collaboration between on-site and off-site workers.

Electronic document management

Paper-centric processes are impractical, even if you have only a partially remote business. Sending paper documents from one location to another is expensive and risky — not just because the contents may be sensitive but also because travel can still expose people to COVID-19. By contrast, your on-site and off-site workers can send and receive electronic documents over the internet within seconds, at practically no cost. This makes a cloud-based document management system (DMS) necessary in any flexible working arrangement.

With a DMS, your staff can access crucial documents and finish their tasks anywhere as long as they have an internet connection. PairSoft, in particular, allows them to collate all necessary information in a single repository and ensures that all documents are quickly and easily retrievable. This means that your staff won’t have to go to the office to pull up records, send reports, perform audits, and other similar tasks.

With a DMS, your staff can access crucial documents and finish their tasks anywhere as long as they have an internet connection.

Electronic document imaging

Scanning documents is a simple yet effective way of converting paperwork into digital files. You can easily store scanned documents on a hard drive or in the cloud and share them through email. But this functionality is incomparable to the gains in efficiency and productivity that come with pairing a robust DMS with advanced document capture.

Advanced document capture uses a range of technologies, including optical character recognition or OCR, to not just scan but extract the information on and the metadata of the captured documents. This allows the DMS to organize and archive each digital file automatically. In addition, it enables your employees to search for specific information in mere seconds, saving them time and allowing them to accomplish more tasks in one day.

Workflow automation

Processing paperwork, approving invoices, and similar business activities are often laborious and time-consuming. Automating these processes should keep them from depleting your business’s time and resources.

An all-in-one document management solution like PairSoft comes with powerful electronic workflow features that can automate a variety of tasks. For example, with PairSoft, you can pre-program a workflow that forwards purchase orders to a procurement lead who will provide the budgets and verify the documents. You can also set up automated push notifications to remind staff to validate orders on time.

With automated workflows, your staff can process transactions and data more quickly. They don’t need to wait blindly for approvals to reach them; instead, they are notified exactly when documents have been approved, ensuring that no time or productivity will be lost in the shuffle.

Online forms

Online or web-based forms are especially beneficial in information gathering. They are also more convenient and easier to set up, access, and use compared to physical forms, making processes like customer sign-ups, product surveys, and employee feedback a breeze.

Some online forms, like PairSoft’s SmartForms, even allow you to feed form data directly into your business’s database. You can even set up workflows that automatically route specific forms to the appropriate person for review, processing, or approval.

By streamlining information gathering and distribution, your distributed teams can avoid miscommunication and experience fewer mistakes, delays, and missed goals.

If you’re looking for a robust paperless solution that will help your on-site and off-site teams maximize their efficiency, PairSoft is the answer. Discover how we can help boost your business by scheduling a free personalized demo today.

No more manual work, no more errors.

Automated workflows empower your team to focus on larger, more complex initiatives without having to think about small processes.

Holly Condon

With over 25 years' experience in the SaaS space, Holly brings a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. She previously held leadership roles at PairSoft's subsidiary PaperSave and resides in South Carolina with her family.

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