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Improve Your AP Workflows with Automation

PairSoft July 31, 2024

woman and man effortlessly working automating AP workflows with ERP integration
AP Automation

Introduction to AP Automation

Every business has bills to pay. But manually processing and paying a large number of supplier invoices can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone, all of which drive up operating costs. Automating accounts payable (AP) workflows simplifies routine invoice-processing tasks, reduces costs, and improves accuracy, while giving businesses greater control over the procure-to-pay cycle.

What is AP Automation?

AP automation increases operating efficiency, helps manage cash flow, and frees staff to focus on higher-value work by eliminating the manual entry, review, approval, and payment of vendor bills. With an AP automation workflow, many of the steps in the AP process are completed with the aid of software, instead of being performed manually by accounting staff. Those steps start with the arrival of each vendor bill and end with payment and reconciliation. They include processing invoices received electronically, entering bill details into the accounting system, matching the invoice against the related purchase order and receiving documents, approving the invoice, paying it by check, credit card, ACH transfer, or other methods, and reconciling completed transactions with bank and credit card statements.

Benefits of Automating AP Workflows

Automating the AP workflow has several key benefits:

  • Simplifies Routine Tasks: Automation handles invoice processing, matching, approval, payment, and reconciliation.
  • Reduces Labor Costs: By eliminating labor-intensive manual steps, automation saves time and reduces costs.
  • Improves Accuracy: Automation minimizes data entry errors, enhancing the accuracy of the AP process.
  • Enhances Visibility: Automation provides better visibility and control over the AP process.
  • Prevents Fraud: Automation helps in fraud prevention by validating vendor information.
  • Improves Documentation: Automation ensures better documentation and record-keeping.
  • Strengthens Vendor Relationships: Timely payments improve relationships with suppliers.

Understanding AP Workflows

What is a Workflow?

A workflow is a set of steps a company uses to complete a task. Most businesses have step-by-step methods for performing routine functions; sometimes these methods are documented in manuals, other times they consist of unwritten rules that are verbally shared among employees. Workflows can range from simple to extremely complex.

Steps in an AP Workflow

The typical steps in an AP workflow include:

  1. Receiving invoices
  2. Entering bill details into the accounting system
  3. Matching the invoice against purchase orders and receiving documents
  4. Approving the invoice
  5. Paying the invoice
  6. Reconciling completed transactions with bank and credit card statements

Manual vs. Automated AP Workflows

Manual AP Workflows:

  • Time-consuming and labor-intensive
  • Prone to data entry errors
  • Higher risk of late payments
  • Difficult to track invoice status
  • Inefficient document storage

Automated AP Workflows:

  • Streamlined and efficient
  • Minimizes data entry errors
  • Ensures timely payments
  • Provides real-time invoice tracking
  • Centralized and secure document storage

chart illustrating the benefits of an automated AP processes vs manually processing

Key Components of AP Automation

Invoice Processing

Many companies receive the bulk of their invoices electronically. Bills can be imported into the system via drag and drop, avoiding the need for manual data entry.

Data Extraction

Using scan and capture technologies like optical character recognition (OCR), AP software extracts key information from the invoice, such as items and quantity ordered, unit pricing and totals, PO number, and vendor details.

Document Matching

The software performs a two-way or three-way match to check that the invoice matches the original purchase order and, in the case of goods and materials, associated receiving documents. If there’s a mismatch in any of these documents, the software flags the invoice for further review.

Routing and Approval

The AP automation software routes the invoice to the appropriate manager or department for review and approval.

Touchless Payment

In some cases, companies may choose to approve low-risk, low-value invoices automatically based on preset thresholds. For example, invoices under $500 might be paid automatically, while invoices above that amount would require approval. Recurring invoices like utility bills might be paid automatically as long as the total falls within a specified range.

Payment Authorization and Execution

If reviewer approval is necessary, the AP software tags an authorized member of the AP team to quickly review and approve the payment.

Vendor Communication

The AP system can automatically inform vendors when payments are made and by what method so they know when funds should be available. For instance, it may tell suppliers that payment will be made via ACH to their bank account within 48 hours. Some systems have intuitive portals that vendors can access to view the status of payments.

Record-Keeping and Reconciliation

Automated AP systems track invoices throughout the entire AP process, meaning that you will always have an accurate record in the event of a payment dispute or an audit. They facilitate reconciliation to verify that the internal documentation of payment matches external bank records.

AP Automation Workflows Explained

How AP Automation Works

Accounts payable automation creates a digital workflow that handles routine steps in the AP process, helping companies boost productivity, reduce costs, and increase accuracy.

AP Automation Workflow Steps

The AP automation workflow handles multiple AP steps, from receiving invoices to approving and paying them. When an invoice is received, software automatically extracts the data using optical character recognition (OCR), categorizes the invoice, and creates appropriately coded general ledger entries. The software also performs three-way matching — checking the validity of the invoice against purchase orders and receipts for the goods/services provided. Any exceptions or apparent errors can be flagged for manual review. The software routes invoices for approval, or it can be customized to pay approved invoices that meet certain conditions, such as invoice amounts below a preset threshold.

Benefits of AP Automation

Higher Productivity

AP automation reduces manual accounting chores, helping to greatly increase AP productivity. One WorkMarket survey found that more than 60% of businesses are already automating some accounting tasks or are planning to do so — and they listed productivity increases as one of the top reasons for applying automation.

Greater Accuracy

AP automation minimizes the risk of errors throughout the AP process by limiting manual data entry, which can cause problems such as mistyping invoice data or incorrect coding. It also cross-checks invoice accuracy by automatically matching invoices against purchase orders and receiving documents.

Lower Costs

AP automation reduces costs by improving productivity, and it also helps companies pay invoices on time — which means a lower risk of late-payment penalties.

Increased Visibility

Managers can monitor the progress of any invoice as it moves through the AP pipeline. They can also track efficiency and productivity metrics for the AP team.

Fraud Prevention

A well-implemented AP automation workflow can help companies detect fraud and avoid erroneous payments by validating vendor information and flagging unusual or anomalous payment requests for review.

Supplier Discounts

By ensuring that all invoices get paid quickly, AP automation can help companies win early payment discounts from their suppliers.

Better Records

All information is managed and stored centrally; businesses don’t need to hunt through stacks of old documents to track down information about old invoices and payments. In the case of an audit,

software makes sure that the required information is available when needed.

Infographic of 7 benefits of AP automation with a focus on error elimination, simplicity, and reducing manual labor

Challenges in AP Automation

Common Issues in AP Automation Implementation

  • Resistance to Change: Employees may resist transitioning from a manual to an automated system.
  • Integration Problems: Integrating new software with existing systems can be challenging.
  • Data Migration: Transferring data from manual records to digital formats can be complex.
  • Initial Costs: The upfront investment for AP automation software can be significant.

Solutions to AP Automation Challenges

  • Training Programs: Providing comprehensive training to employees can ease the transition.
  • Choosing Compatible Software: Selecting AP automation software that integrates well with existing systems can reduce integration issues.
  • Incremental Implementation: Gradually implementing automation can make the transition smoother.
  • ROI Analysis: Conducting a thorough return on investment analysis can justify the initial costs.

Case Studies of AP Automation

Case Study as an example of how Pairsofts AP automation improved approval processes.

How to Implement AP Automation

Steps to Automate Your AP Workflows

  1. Assess Current Workflow: Understand the current AP processes and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Select AP Automation Software: Choose software that meets the specific needs of your business.
  3. Plan the Implementation: Create a detailed implementation plan, including timelines and milestones.
  4. Data Migration: Transfer existing data to the new system.
  5. Training: Provide training for all employees who will use the new system.
  6. Go Live: Launch the new automated AP workflow.
  7. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the system and make necessary adjustments.

Choosing the Right AP Automation Software

When selecting AP automation software, consider:

  • Ease of Use: The software should be user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Integration Capabilities: It should integrate seamlessly with existing systems.
  • Scalability: The software should be able to grow with your business.
  • Support and Training: Look for providers that offer robust support and training resources.
  • Cost: Evaluate the cost in relation to the benefits and potential ROI.

Integrating AP Automation with Existing Systems

Integration is crucial for the success of AP automation. Ensure that the chosen software can:

  • Connect with your accounting and ERP systems
  • Sync with your procurement and inventory management systems
  • Interface with your banking and payment processing systems

Training Staff for AP Automation

Proper training is essential to maximize the benefits of AP automation. Training should cover:

  • How to use the new software
  • Best practices for AP automation
  • Troubleshooting common issues
  • Security protocols and data protection

Advanced Features in AP Automation

AI and Machine Learning in AP Automation

AP automation software uses AI and machine learning to automatically process and categorize invoices according to your business’s needs. This technology can learn from past transactions to improve accuracy and efficiency over time.

Real-Time Dashboards

Real-time dashboards provide instant access to key performance indicators and accounts payable information. Managers can monitor AP aging, invoices awaiting approval, and payments in progress at a glance.

Customizable Workflows

Customizable workflows allow businesses to tailor the AP process to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that the automation system aligns with existing business practices and requirements.

Future Trends in AP Automation

Emerging Technologies in AP Automation

  • Blockchain: Enhances security and transparency in AP processes.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Automates repetitive tasks with high precision.
  • Advanced Analytics: Provides deeper insights into AP data for better decision-making.

Predictions for the Future of AP Automation

  • Increased adoption of AI and machine learning
  • Greater emphasis on cybersecurity and data protection
  • More integration with other business systems
  • Continued innovation in user interfaces and ease of use

Automating your AP workflows plays a crucial role in increasing operating efficiency. It helps businesses reduce costs, process invoices faster, and minimize errors, while providing greater control and visibility into the overall AP process.

How do you automate an AP process?

Automating an AP process is performed with software that simplifies invoice capture, extracts relevant details, matches these details to purchasing and receiving documents, and automatically routes invoices for approval and payment.

What is an automation workflow?

An automation workflow is a set of steps that is carried out automatically by software to complete a task. It replaces a set of manual steps. For accounts payable, an automation workflow can include scanning, uploading, and verifying invoices, routing for approval, and automatic payment of low-risk, low-value invoices.

What is AP automation?

AP automation involves creating a digital workflow for the steps involved in receiving, approving, paying, and recording invoices.

How does AI play into AP automation?

AP automation software uses artificial intelligence to automatically process and categorize invoices according to your business’s needs.

What does Full Cycle AP mean?

Full Cycle AP is a term for the entire process that begins when a product or service is obtained and ends when the invoice is paid. For example, the full cycle for an order of office supplies begins when the order is placed and ends when the completed payment is reconciled with the bank or credit card statement.

What is general ledger (GL) coding?

General ledger codes are numbers assigned to general ledger accounts and used to categorize transactions. For example, all electrical utility bills might be assigned the same GL code. GL codes make it easier to classify and analyze revenue and spending.


The strongest AP automation, document management, procurement, and fundraising automation platform for mid-market and enterprise companies with integrations to your ERP system.

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