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Building a Business Case for Document Management Systems in 2019

Jemina Boyd October 1, 2021

Document Management
2019 is here! What better time than now to implement a document management system (DMS)? Here’s a list of talking points to consider for migrating to a DMS.

Saves money, money, money!

Whereas consumers are more easily persuaded by emotion, business owners and leaders are more interested in numbers. In other words, you need to show stats and ROI.

PairSoft’s thorough researchers have compiled a long list of figures that prove DMS saves your business hundreds of dollars. For example, paper waste statistics reveal that your paper costs can consume up to 3% of your annual budget, and our ROI research confirms that the cost of finding a misplaced document can add up to $120.

Leverage digital transformation

Digital transformation is here, and businesses that don’t get on board get left behind. Beekeeper reveals some insightful stats that explain how employees are 450% more likely to quit when their company isn’t current with the times, and staff — when no longer needing to waste time with paper documents — are roughly five times more productive in a digital workspace. What’s more, explains how companies like the New York Times and Fidelity were saved by Digital Transformation. DMS is an integral part of your business’s digital transformation, and you can leverage these instances to show how DMS is necessary for your company’s survival.

Include a DMS transition plan

Equally important as the previous steps is providing a DMS transition plan. That’s because your managing director and other company decision makers are certain to ask about it. The very idea of becoming a paperless office may be overwhelming to your office management team. They fear a bumpy transition could cost the company a lot of money in lost productivity and possibly even loss of important documents.

To prevent this concern, consider including process transition plans, user adoption programs, employee training, and more in your plan to ensure you have every base covered. The more actionable tactics you include, and the more detailed your plan, the higher your chances are of decision maker buy-in.

There’s no shame in pushing for a DMS. With the digital revolution in full swing, failure to act now could have serious repercussions for your business in the long run. And remember, numbers don’t lie. The research our team has conducted reveals the cost savings and productivity benefits of DMS.

Get buy-in from company leaders

Oftentimes when you’re the sole supporter of acquiring a new asset, trying to make a case for it is an uphill battle. The solution? Get business leaders in your organization on board as soon as possible. Sell them on the idea first, then use these allies to push the asset to implementation when you pitch to company decision-makers.

If you need any help implementing any of the above suggestions, feel free to reach out to PairSoft. We’re happy to help you build your case for a document management system and can provide more stats and case studies as needed. Sign up today for a free demo to see what PairSoft is all about.

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Jemina Boyd

Jem Boyd has 10+ years of ERP strategic marketing and implementation experience across a variety of platforms. She specializes in developing PairSoft's platform relationships as well as campaigns with Microsoft, NetSuite, Sage, and Blackbaud. She is based in Nashville.

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