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Five Ways Paperless Solutions Improve Your Business’s Reputation

Holly Condon July 20, 2020

Document Management
A good reputation can take your business places. It can help attract new customers and keep existing ones loyal.

One of the best ways to develop a positive reputation for your business is to implement strategies that improve customer relations, make life easier for staff members, and support a good social cause. Going paperless is an excellent example.

How do paperless solutions boost your reputation?

Paper is an inexpensive material and has been used in business for centuries. But with the development of paperless technologies like digital management systems (DMS), paper-based processes have become all but impractical.

Paperless solutions are technologies that reduce or eliminate your dependence on paper, particularly, by converting paper documents into digital formats, such as PDFs. Integrating these solutions into your operations can do so much for your business’s reputation, for the following reasons.

1. It improves your relationship with customers and vendors

Vendors like a customer who is never late with payments. Going paperless enables you to process payments faster than using traditional paper-based invoice management can.

For starters, the invoice itself can be sent out within seconds via email. Meanwhile, data capture through mobile in DMS platforms like PairSoft allows you to collect data without resorting to slow, error-prone manual data entry.

You can approve invoices on the go, too, using your smartphone. This speeds up payment processing and ensures that your vendors are paid on time.

Going paperless also lets you access your documents through an easy-to-use interface. For customer inquiries, you won’t have to scour through file cabinets to find the information you need. You just have to use your DMS’s search function and retrieve the pertinent information within seconds.

Customers want reliable and hassle-free service, so a quick response to inquiries will do wonders for your conversion rates. It will also make your existing customers less likely to seek out alternatives and stick to doing business with you instead.

2. It simplifies your staff’s work

Did you know that employees spend a lot of their time just handling paper documents? This includes encoding data, filing documents, recreating lost or damaged files, and searching for the papers they need.

Going paperless simplifies these tasks or eliminates the need for them altogether. For example, PairSoft automatically sorts documents and stores them in cloud-based servers, all within a few seconds. This leaves workers free to focus on tasks that enhance your business, such as providing better service to your customers.

3. It’s good for the environment

Customers like companies that take social responsibility seriously. And considering how saving the environment is one of the most pressing social issues today, reducing your paper use by going paperless will likely make you more attractive to your market.

After all, even though paper is a recyclable material, most of the paper used today comes fresh from our forests. Paperless solutions reduce the number of trees cut down for paper production.

On a related note, did you know that over 14% of the paper documents produced in an average office end up not being used at all? Going paperless helps reduce the amount of paper that ends up in landfills or waste incinerators.

4. It demonstrates the ability to adapt

The coronavirus lockdowns offered compelling reasons to adopt paperless solutions. For one, going paperless is necessary for remote work, which many companies resorted to in lieu of going to the office. Second, paperless processes are conducive to social distancing, reducing the risk of infection.

But besides these, adopting new technologies proves to your consumers that you are not scared to adapt to changing times, especially if it’s to serve them better.

Paperless solutions are straightforward technologies that are easy to integrate into your existing processes. This makes them an excellent first step into adopting new and bigger technologies for your business.

5. It enhances data security

Customers care a lot about their privacy, so they want a company that can secure their personal data from hackers. Paper documents are unbelievably easy to damage or steal. Electronic documents? Not so much if you take the right precautions.

Most DMS solutions store their data in multiple off-site cloud servers. This serves several purposes. First, it secures your files from natural disasters that hit your area, readily granting you access to documents crucial to your business’s continuity.

Second, it places your data behind tight security measures. In particular, all of your files are encrypted and can only be accessed by someone with the right login credentials.

PairSoft offers paperless solutions designed to boost our clients’ reputation by enhancing their efficiency and security. Discover how we can help your business adapt to changing times and grow by scheduling a free personalized demo today.

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Holly Condon

With over 25 years' experience in the SaaS space, Holly brings a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. She previously held leadership roles at PairSoft's subsidiary PaperSave and resides in South Carolina with her family.

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