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Five Ways Document Management Improves Customer Service

Holly Condon October 1, 2021

Five Ways Document Management Improves Customer Service
Document Management
If you’re looking for ways to offer better customer service, then you’ve probably put a lot of thought into factors such as staff training and communications. While investing in these areas will certainly go a long way towards achieving your goals, one system often overlooked is document management.

Contrary to popular belief, document management strategy isn’t just about improving organizational workflows – it’s about boosting the performance of every business process. Here are just a few of the direct and indirect ways in which a new document management solution can increase customer satisfaction.

#1. Faster Response Times

Think about the way you currently handle customer support requests. Someone calls in, hoping you’ll be able to answer his or her questions quickly. If the person handling the inquiry doesn’t have instant access to all the relevant information, the customer will put on hold or in a queue. That’s something that’s bound to earn a few bad reviews in times when many of us expect instant gratification. A document management solution, however, gives you the ability to quickly access relevant information, leading to less waiting, faster turnaround times, and greatly increased customer satisfaction.

#2. Greater Cost Efficiency

While the cost efficiency of running your business might not concern your customers, there’s no denying that more cost-efficient business processes lead to improved productivity and better performance in every department. With a modern document management system at your disposal, you’ll save time and money by having a centralized repository for all the information your business needs to run. That means fewer resources spent on training new employees and less time wasted trying to work with deprecated systems. Instead, your team will be able to focus on what matters most – serving your customers.

#3. Fewer Errors

Things like erroneous information and outdated documents only cause delays, and no customer is interested in hearing excuses blaming your IT systems. Unfortunately, for businesses still relying on a mishmash of filing cabinets, scanned documents and a mess of files and folders stored in different systems, information inconsistency is going to be inevitable.

By bringing everything together under one system, including scanned copies of all printed documents, a document management system greatly reduces the risk of human error and helps your team optimize their workflows. In fact, when you automate your workflows using document management software, the benefits go beyond improving customer satisfaction. (Read more about this in our previous blog.)

#4. Easier Collaboration

It’s not just the ability to communicate well with your customers that’s important when it comes to offering a great service – it’s also your ability to communicate effectively with the rest of your team that helps improve the overall experience. For example, if a customer needs support, the last thing he or she wants to hear is that the call is being transferred over multiple departments for the necessary information. With a centralized, cloud-hosted document management system, everyone has access to the same files. That means no more waiting around for people to manually exchange documents.

#5. Enhanced Security

When customers entrust you with their information, they want to be confident that it’s in safe hands. That’s unlikely to be the case if your documents are spread over multiple systems. By bringing all your corporate documents and data together, you’ll be able to reduce terrors that cause delays and inconsistent information to a minimum. Furthermore, you’ll be better able to enforce your security policies and prove to your customers that you take their confidentiality and privacy seriously.

At PairSoft, we’re very familiar with the direct correlation between efficiency and offering better customer service. That’s why our document management systems don’t just help you keep organized – they transform your entire business for the better. Read our White Paper: Top 9 Reasons to Go Paperless! to find out more about the benefits of document management systems.

No more manual work, no more errors.

Automated workflows empower your team to focus on larger, more complex initiatives without having to think about small processes.

Holly Condon

With over 25 years' experience in the SaaS space, Holly brings a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. She previously held leadership roles at PairSoft's subsidiary PaperSave and resides in South Carolina with her family.

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