PaperSave, Webiplex Docupeak, and Paramount Workplace are now part of PairSoft

 Statement of Work


The purpose of this document is to describe the approach PairSoft and Client will follow to implement a basic implementation of PaperSave with transaction automation to support a gift, i.e., check, capture and ingestion process for a new PaperSave client. The implementation will be done using a prefabricated workflow template that cannot be modified during this implementation. The workflow will be integrated with Client’s Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge (RE) NXT application using Sky API.

In addition, OCR will be configured to accommodate the scanline, as described below. *if included


Service Description
PaperSave application software
  • PaperSave 7
  • PaperSave Native OCR
  • PaperSave Auto Entry
Configuration of standard workflow and Auto Entry
  • One workflow with no check deposit
    • Workflow is PairSoft’s Gift Capture and Ingestion Workflow template
    • One workflow drop point to be used for scanning or capturing already scanned or electronic gift documentation
PaperSave Native OCR
  • Out-of-the-box using the standard, unmodified North American invoice template (see supported fields in User Guide Documentation)
OCR configurations to accommodate scanlines *if included
  • Data capture from scanline from response device for supported fields per technical documentation
Auto Entry

Project Overview and Responsibilities

MILESTONE 1: Preparation & Launch Pairsoft Client
Conduct technical planning meeting

  • Review the implementation process and scope of work in detail
  • Review the previously submitted prerequisite documentation
  • Review the PaperSave 7 deployment whitepaper
  • Create the project timeline
  • Provide answers to questions
Provision PaperSave 7 environment
Test PaperSave components

  • Native OCR, Auto Entry
  • Implementation of workstation components is not a critical path
Install and test any applicable PaperSave Client components on all other workstations and/or terminal servers

  • PairSoft will provide Client’s designated system administrator / technical support liaison with these instructions
MILESTONE 2: Software Setup Pairsoft Client
Deploy and test the workflow template
Prepare and review design document

  • Review to include configuring reviewers, approvers, approval thresholds, and approval assignments using the admin console in the PaperSave software
Setup drop points

  • PairSoft guides the setup of the drop points; Client executes the setup of drop points
MILESTONE 3: Train & Test Pairsoft Client
Conduct remote trainings (approximately 4 hours)

  • PaperSave Essentials, PaperSave Native OCR, Workflow end-user, and Administrator
Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

  • Only test documents should be processed in PaperSave during this phase
  • UAT serves to validate the configuration and enhance the understanding of the Solution
Complete the testing plan and report any defects to PairSoft within 5 business days

  • During the UAT process, it is possible that new PaperSave product defects may be exposed or known product defects encountered. If a workaround is implemented by PairSoft, the defect will not delay the acceptance of the application.
Provide support to UAT users

  • PairSoft will monitor the UAT process to answer questions and resolve issues
  • PairSoft will implement any necessary workarounds
MILESTONE 4: Go-Live Pairsoft Client
Remove test items and Go-live
Provide hypercare support (for up to 2 weeks)

  • The Project team will conduct an introduction to support call
Deliver Project Closure and Support Transition Document

  • The document will provide transition resources and instructions to utilize PairSoft’s PaperSave customer support organization, as well as the PairSoft client portal

Acceptance: If PairSoft does not receive timely written notification within five (5) days of any defects during the UAT, the project shall be deemed accepted. If the application is placed into production and invoices are being processed, the project shall be deemed accepted and will be closed.

Project Governance


If the parties agree to any changes to this SOW, they shall execute an amendment to this SOW effecting such changes (“SOW Amendment”). No additions or other changes to this SOW shall be effective unless such changes are in writing and signed by both parties in the form of a SOW Amendment.

Out of Scope

Any services and/or activities not listed in the tables above are out of scope and excluded from the Professional Services project.


The client shall provide PairSoft with all information relevant to the services to be performed and shall cooperate and provide PairSoft with all assistance as may be required for PairSoft to perform the services. Client grants PairSoft employees’ access to their data and environment to provide the scoped solutions outlined in the SOW.

Exclusions of PairSoft Responsibility

  • Installation and / or configuration of third-party products including but not limited to Microsoft Office and SharePoint
  • Hardware procurement or licensing
  • Configuration of any hardware components including desktop and multi-function scanners
  • Network configuration or troubleshooting, including permissions for file sharing or access
  • Support for users across multiple domains
  • Development of Client specific documentation such as Client test plans, implementation plans, custom Client training materials, and Client specific system documentation
  • Training services other than those specified in this statement of work
  • Onsite training (which, will in any case, requires a minimum duration of two business days)
  • Weekend work or after-hour deployments are excluded from the delivery methodology